Ruth Sunday Ki

Ruth Sunday Ki

Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst/Digital Forensics Examiner.

Ruth Sunday Ki is a highly skilled cybersecurity analyst with expertise in cyber threat intelligence and digital forensics. With her deep knowledge and experience in the field, Ruth has made significant contributions to ensuring a safer cyberspace, particularly through her efforts in cybersecurity education. Ruth understands that education plays a pivotal role in combatting cyber threats. As a cybersecurity analyst, she recognizes the importance of equipping individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect themselves in the digital world. Through her role, Ruth has actively pursued opportunities to educate others about cybersecurity practices and raise awareness about potential cyber threats. One of Ruth's key contributions to cybersecurity education is through her involvement in training programs. She has been instrumental in designing and delivering workshops, seminars, and training sessions aimed at educating individuals from various backgrounds about cybersecurity best practices. Whether it is teaching basic security hygiene or discussing the latest trends in cybercrime, Ruth ensures that her audiences are well-informed and empowered to tackle cybersecurity challenges effectively. Overall, Ruth Sunday Ki's contribution to ensuring a safer cyberspace through cybersecurity education is invaluable. Her extensive experience in cyber threat intelligence and digital forensics, combined with her passion for educating others, has equipped individuals and organizations with the necessary tools to navigate the digital landscape securely. I am looking forward to engaging with the audience and having a great time speaking at the EOCON2023. Kind regards